Great Teams

Does your team perform at or near its full capability? Does it achieve its objectives, producing measurable results? Is the team a “real” team, and do team members enjoy working together? Do team members communicate well together, and does it behave as a united, harmonious group? Has the team discussed and agreed to a clear vision, a defined mission, and well articulated goals?

If so, congratulations - you are a member of a great team!

Five characteristics of great teams:

1. Trust: When team members really trust each other, they feel comfortable with each other; no individual feels threatened or vulnerable. Each member of the team feels respected, honoured and valued.

2. No fear of conflict: When team members feel comfortable with each other, able to challenge each other’s views as they seek to genuinely understand each other’s opinions, motivations and feelings, they have no fear and they are able to discuss and resolve issues effectively and efficiently.

3. Commitment: Absent fear of conflict, criticism or retribution, team members resolve issues readily, ultimately supporting and committing powerfully to action plans.

4. Accountability: Given unwavering commitment, team members readily assume responsibility and accountability for their words and actions, always in the best interests of the team.

5. Achievement: When the interests of the team are foremost in the minds of team members, overall team results take precedence over individual interests, driving teamwork and the achievement of team results.

 Leadership versus management

Great teams don't happen without great leadership and great management. Leadership inspires, whereas management explains what is expected and measures results. Leadership guides, whereas management navigates, explaining the who, what, why, where and how of things. Leadership provides hope, whereas management analyses performance, communicating with and motivating the team. Leadership is visionary, able to describe the future, whereas management maintains a steady course towards desired goals and objectives. Leadership rallies the team to do what’s right, whereas management identifies issues and solves problems.

Leadership and management are clearly complementary; both are required for great team performance - but leadership always trumps management.

Transformational Leaders

Traditional leaders say:  I'm the leader - you're the follower; I have something you need, and you have something I need. So, let's make an exchange.

Transformational leaders understand there is something bigger at stake. Transformational leaders not only challenge their organization to grow professionally, but also emotionally and intellectually - transformation leaders empower others.

Within this different paradigm, there are four human needs the transformational leader recognizes must be satisfied if they and the organization are to succeed:

First - the need to love and be loved. That sounds touchy-feely, but people who are not receiving and giving love (focused concern and action directed at another exclusively for that person's good) cannot be fully healthy, biologically, and psychologically. We usually think of love as being irrelevant in today’s fast paced busy world, but the transformational leader vividly understands tough-minded caring is essential to leading and developing a powerful, fully expressed organization.

Second - the need to grow. The only alternative to growth is decline and decay. The transformational leader recognizes balance or equilibrium is a myth that exists only in the human imagination. Nowhere in nature is there such a thing as stability. Even in a balanced ecosystem, there is either expanding, unfolding growth, or degeneration, decay and ultimately death. By creating a culture which allows our organization to grow, we are expanding our capacity both as leaders and members of that organization.

Third - the need to contribute. This need may be described as having two distinct poles. The negative pole reminds us: that which does not contribute is eliminated. We see this in nature, and we all know failing to contribute in a significant way creates anxiety of which we are usually only vaguely aware. The other pole - the positive one - answers this anxiety. When we are contributing in a significant way, we have peace of mind. We know we belong. The simple principle at work is: life works when we forget about ourselves and contribute to others. To feel fulfilled and empowered, members of the organization must know they are contributing to the whole.

Fourth - the need for meaning. Humans are meaning-seeking creatures. If our lives lack a clear sense of meaning, and if we are not engaged in some larger purpose, we will not be fully satisfied, regardless of whatever else we may have.

The transformational leader understands that satisfying all four of these needs is not easy, but when they are being met in the day-to-day affairs of an organization, something magnificent happens. People instinctively play a bigger game, and they show up in a more passionate, creative, engaged, and effective way. The consequences are measurable, and in many instances, astonishing.

If people have opportunity to affiliate, grow, contribute, and have a sense of belonging, they will be motivated and engaged, even without a clear vision of the future.

So, as a leader, focus on these things today. Think, one by one, about each member of your team - including yourself.

As the leader, ask:

  • is this person working on something meaningful and challenging, something for which they have a good chance of succeeding?
  • is this person relating to other people, people they like and to whom they feel close?
  • is this person being recognized for the work they are doing? Can they influence decisions and outcomes?

If the answer is yes - great.

If not, create the appropriate opportunities immediately. Give people clear goals and the autonomy to achieve them. Make sure they are working on something they find challenging, interesting, and meaningful. Empower them with opportunities to collaborate and celebrate with others. This is especially important, because in times of uncertainty, people become more political. They start to suspect their colleagues are trying to be noticed, or they are trying to take more credit, or work on better projects. But as people work on projects collaboratively, trust grows.

Also, give your team opportunities to offer their input on how things should be done. Reward their participation with public recognition.